IJIAREC- INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL ADVANCEMENTS AND RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS is a leading international journal for publication of new ideas, the state of the art research results and fundamental advances in all aspects of computer science and engineering. IJIAREC is a scholarly open access, peer reviewed international journal with a primary objective to provide the academic community and industry for the submission of half of original research and applications related to Computer Science and Engineering.
It is an international journal intended for professionals and researchers in all fields of computer science and electronics. The IJIAREC publishes research articles and reviews within the whole field computer science & engineering, new teaching methods, assessment, validation and the impact of new technologies and it will continue to provide information on the latest trends and developments in this ever-expanding subject.
IJIAREC welcomes the submission of documents relating to any branch of the Theory of Computing and Engineering and its applications in business, industry and other topics. The topics covered by the journal include artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, computational statistics, database, data mining, financial engineering, and hardware systems, imaging engineering, industrial engineering, internet computing, networking, operations research scientific computing, software engineering and its applications.
The “International Journal of Intellectual Advancements and Research in Engineering Computations” is an international online journal in English published monthly. The aim of IJIAREC is to publish peer reviewed research and review articles in rapidly developing field of engineering science and technology. This journal is an online journal having full access to the research and review paper. The journal aims to cover the latest outstanding developments in the field of engineering science and computer science but not limited to the following branches |
IJIAREC would take much care in making your article published without much delay with your kind cooperation. |
The aim of IJIAREC is to publish peer reviewed research and review articles in rapidly developing field of engineering and computer science. This journal is an online journal having full access to the research and review paper. The journal also seeks clearly written survey and review articles from experts in the field, to promote insightful understanding of the state-of-the-art and application trends. IJIAREC aims to cover the latest outstanding developments in the field of engineering and computer science but not limited to the following branches,
Computer Science & Engineering |
Advanced Algorithms |
Applications of Computer Science |
Architecture Evaluations |
Artificial intelligence |
Automation and Mobile Robots |
Bioengineering |
Bioinformatics |
Blue-Tooth Technologies |
Brain machine Interface System |
Brain Mapping |
Computational Biology |
Computational linguistics |
Computational Statistics |
Computer Applications |
Computer Architecture |
Computer Software / Hardware |
Cyber-Science and Cyber-Space |
Data and Information Systems |
Data Bases and its applications |
Data Compression |
Data Engineering |
Data Fusion |
Data Mining |
Data Warehousing |
Databases |
Design of Algorithms |
Digital Speech Processing |
Distributed Data Base |
Distributed Knowledge-base Systems |
Distributed Multimedia |
Distributed Real Time Systems |
E-commerce |
Education Technology and Training |
Educational Software |
Embedded Systems & Applications |
Environmental Protection |
Fault Tolerance |
Genetic Algorithms |
Genomics |
Granular Computing |
Grid & Parallel computing |
High performance computing |
High Performance Languages |
Human Centered Transportation System (Special Session) |
Human computer Interaction |
Image Processing |
Industrial Apllications |
Information Technology |
Information Theory |
Intelligent Agents |
Intelligent Internet System |
Intelligent Learning in Control System |
Intelligent Power & Energy System |
Intelligent Systems |
Intelligent Transportation System |
Internet based Data Bases |
Knowledge Aquisition in Intelligent System |
Machine Learning |
Micro Electro Mechanical System |
Microstrip circuits and components |
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design |
Operating Systems |
Parallel & Distributed Computing |
Parallel Computing Systems |
Pattern Recognition |
PCS/cellular and hybrid Systems |
Performance Evaluation |
Pervasive Computing and Middleware |
Programming Languages |
Project Management |
Radar, Optical Communications |
Remote sensing |
Reusability |
Robotics |
Robotics and Intelligent Sensing |
Satellite Communications |
Scattering, RF-IC, systems-on-chips |
Scheduling |
Search Engine Design |
Security |
Semantic Web & Web Services |
Sensors and measuring techniques |
Signal Processing & applications |
Signal Processing for Communications |
Soft Computing |
Software Design and Development |
Software Engineering |
Software Evaluation Standards |
Software for Parallel and Distributed Systems |
Software Maintenance |
Software Methodologies |
Software Metrics |
Software Requirements |
Software Testing |
Supercomputing |
System saftey and Security |
and other Related Computer Science Engineering and Technology |