Main Article Content
The cost of conventional building materials increasing every day and it is a major factor affecting constructions. This has necessitated research to find alternative materials of construction so that the availability of materials made easy for construction. In this study, a alternate building material, the coconut shell is used as light weight aggregate in concrete. The properties of coconut shell and coconut shell aggregate concrete is examined and the use of coconut shell aggregate in construction is tested. Conventional coarse aggregate in concrete will be partially used so as to control the quality of concrete. While natural material in coconut shell as a coarse aggregate, it will be investigated to replace the natural coarse aggregate in concrete. The project paper aims to analyse the compressive strength characteristics with partial replacement for M30 grade concrete. The project also aims to show that the Coconut shell aggregate is a potential construction material and it simultaneously reduces the environment problems.
Objective of the paper
The main objective is to encourage the use of these agricultural waste products as construction materials in low-cost housing. In this studies, M30 concrete mixes with different combination of natural material content namely 25%, 50% and 75%.Three sample specimen will be prepared for each concrete mixes [1]. The parameters will be tested are compressive strength, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity