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ABSTRACT Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) is a unique representative of High Performance Fibre Reinforced concrete, featuring extreme intrinsic tensile ductility and moderate fiber content. The tensile strain capacity of engineered cementitious composite is several hundred times that of normal concrete and the fracture toughness of engineered cementitious composite is similar to that of aluminum alloys. The scope of the project is to develop the strength with the mineral admixtures and chemical admixtures which replaced for the aggregate and putting it into practical application in the field of Construction. This micro cracking behavior leads to superior corrosion resistance as well as to selfhealing. In the presence of water unreacted cement particles recently exposed due to cracking hydrate and form a number of products that expand and fill in the crack. Engineered cementitious composite is to improve the safety, durability, and sustainability of infrastructure systems through the innovative materials. For a number of structural application, the use of Hybrid Fiber Composite is better able to meet the material performance requirements than the Mono Fiber composite. From this paper the compression strength test, direct tension test by using dog leg bone specimen, flexural strength test was carried out to characterize the mechanical behavior of conventional concrete and engineered cementitious composite with various mix proportions.