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As in the case of DDOS attacks the attacker sends a large volume of malicious packets which later prevent the legitimate user to access the services, therefore our prime concern is to find out the no of packets being malicious in the legitimate requests and then mitigates them by an appropriate mechanism. In this paper an Analytical approach based on a mathematical equation which will be used to find out the no of packets being malicious under legitimate data packets and an algorithm which is a refined method of traditional hoop count inspection mechanism to mitigate the malicious packets which are coming along with the legitimate data from the attacker side and can pose a threat to the network performance.

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How to Cite
P. Vasanthakumar, & Umamaheswari A. (2018). Local flow packet marking for network coding in manets . International Journal of Intellectual Advancements and Research in Engineering Computations, 6(2), 2439–2444. Retrieved from