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Online reviews are used as a decision support model for the consumers and feedback channel for the business organizations. Sentiment analysis techniques are employed to investigate online reviews. The sentiment expressed in review document is called as overall sentiment. Attribute level like and dislike factors are not represented in the overall sentiment estimation methods. The aspect level sentiment analysis model discovers the unique semantic fact of individual entity. The Aspect based sentiment analysis consists of two major tasks. They are, detect hidden semantic aspect from review document and identify finegrained sentiments for the aspect. Probabilistic topic models are used for aspect-based sentiment analysis. The review documents and rating measures are analyzed to discover the semantic aspect level sentiments and overall sentiments. The probabilistic supervised joint aspect and sentiment model (SJASM) is employed to analyze the review documents in an unified framework. SJASM represents each review document in the form of opinion pairs. The aspect terms and opinion words are modeled for hidden aspect and sentiment detection. The overall sentimental rating is estimated with aspect and aspect level sentiments. The collapsed Gibbs sampling-based inference method is used for parameter estimation of SJASM. The aspect distribution is used to select the parameters for the sentiment estimation. The review documents are classified into positive or negative sentiments. The collaborative sentiment assessment model (CSAM) integrates the aspect and spatio temporal features. The Bayesian nonparametric model is applied to automatically estimate the number of latent topics from review data. The hybrid indexing scheme combines the aspect and spatio temporal parameters to order the review documents. The recommendation process is build with aspect, location and time features.

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PRIYADHARSHNI. V, SARUMATHI. S, SURUTHI .M, & B. MAHALAKSHMI. (2018). Spatio temporal and aspect features based sentiment analysis on customer reviews . International Journal of Intellectual Advancements and Research in Engineering Computations, 6(2), 1816–1820. Retrieved from