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Stress at work is common for many professions. While some stress is a normal part of work, excessive stress or high levels of stress over prolonged periods of time can interfere with employee's productivity and have serious implications for the physical and emotional health of the person. As a worker, being aware of your own stress levels is already an important step towards the prevention of diseases and increase of the productivity. Work stress has become a subject of interest only recently. It can be justified by 2 reasons. Firstly, stress is an independent variable influencing employee satisfaction and performance. Secondly, it is incumbent on management to improve quality of life of organizational members. As stress is linked to coronary heart disease, a reduction in stress is expected to improve the longevity of workforce. Therefore, the problem of our study is to study the level of work stress among the various employees of the organization.

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How to Cite
K.Nathiya, & PA. Pavithrarakhavi. (2021). A study on the work stress among employee and its impact on performance with reference to Aguaclan private limited, Coimbatore. International Journal of Intellectual Advancements and Research in Engineering Computations, 8(2), 209–215. Retrieved from