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The three-forth of the world is surrounded by water, out of which around 1% of water can only be able to use for the drinking purposes. Water is essential for life and access to clean drinking water is a necessity for good health. However, clean drinking water is not available everywhere, due to water scarcity and pollution of existing water resources. At present Capetown city of Southafrica is facing water scarcity problem. The pollution can be in the form of natural or anthropogenic activities. This study focuses on the Impact of anthropogenic activities on the water quality of 4 downstream water tanks in Coimbatore city and its contribution to the groundwater quality. Due to encroachment and other anthropogenic activities, the quality of water is being depleted rapidly. Disposal of municipal waste and waste from other various industries into the tank depletes the quality of water in the tank. This water along with the leechate may percolate through the pore spaces between the soil particles and interact with the groundwater. Because of this interaction the quality of groundwater will also be affected. The contaminants will be transported and contribute to the nearby well head and affect the quality of water in the well too. Therefore, in this study water quality parameters were tested for both tankwater and groundwater and was spatially interpolated using ArcGIS. The spatially interpolated water quality map was obtained as output from ArcGIS. This spatially interpolated water quality map was helpful in understanding the variation in quality of both tankwater and groundwater with respect to space.

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How to Cite
Sanjitha R, & Arun M. (2018). GIS technique for surface water contamination . International Journal of Intellectual Advancements and Research in Engineering Computations, 6(2), 1165–1169. Retrieved from