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A single parent is one living without a spouse and on whose shoulders lies the higher responsibility of looking after a child. The single parent is the primary caregiver with whom the children have most residency with. In most circumstances, it occurs after separation or divorce and the mother becomes the primary caregiver as the custodial parent, and the father becomes a secondary giver as the noncustodial parent. In some instances though, such roles may interchange between the parents. Single parenthood is a growing trend in today’s world; this can be attributed to increased rates of divorce, separation, mortality amongst parents and individual decisions to be single parents.

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How to Cite
Giriram.P, PREETHI.V, & SARANYA.S. (2018). An empirical study on opinion of single parent culture with reference to Erode . International Journal of Intellectual Advancements and Research in Engineering Computations, 6(2), 994–999. Retrieved from