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The system we have proposed is an extended approach to monitor a control industrial system. We can monitor the industrial system from any location, due to this it will save lots of time in this busy era. In this project, we have designed GSM based water level and temperature monitoring system (WLTMS). We detect the water level of the tank which is connected to the industry. We also monitor the temperature of the tank. For this purpose, we used LM35 sensor which defines the parameters of the temperature sensor. Analogue output of LM35 is amplified through a process of signal conditioning, where OP-741 is used to amplify the signal. Amplified signal is fed into an ADC for the sake of digital data. This digital data is transferred to an LCD for displaying result. PIC microcontroller is used for this procedure. Modem is also connected to this controller for the wireless communication of the data through GSM technology by receiving an alert through SMS.

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How to Cite
A.Sathishkumar. (2021). GSM Centered Water level and Temperature Observing System. International Journal of Intellectual Advancements and Research in Engineering Computations, 8(3), 711–717. Retrieved from