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In Schools, Colleges, Institutions there is a problem of irregularity of students that affects the overall academic performance of Students. Currently, in some institutions, the attendance is taken by calling or signing in registers i.e. very time consuming and space consuming. So, in this paper the authors wants to present an RFID and GSM Based Attendance Monitoring System using door locking/unlocking system. In this paper RFID Reader receives the data from RFID tag. Each student is issued an RFID tag. A predefine program is stored in this tag for Student ID. Whenever the Student enters into the institution, he has to swept that RFID tag near RFID Reader that is attached externally to our microcontroller based embedded system. At that moment the reader will checks whether the information of the students is correct or not and then it will decide whether the student is permitted to enter or leave. If the student’s information is correct then the door of the institution is opened and he will be permitted to enter inside. After some time, the door would be closed and if the information is not correct then he will not permit inside, as the door will not get unlocked .The Student Details will be indicated on the LCD display and send through GSM SIM 300 Modem to parents to display whether the student is present or not. The designed system provides an acknowledgement to the parents whose attendance has been taken.

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How to Cite
Mahendran P, NaveenKumar K, Prasanth G, Soundharya M S, & Vidhyashree S. (2019). Implementation of students attendance monitoring system using RFID and GSM . International Journal of Intellectual Advancements and Research in Engineering Computations, 7(1), 1520–1529. Retrieved from