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Skin disease is an abnormal condition of the skin. Skin plays an important role in protecting the body from harmful bacteria, fungal and parasitic infections. Hence the correct diagnosis of skin disease is crucial. Various factors causing skin diseases and affecting skin disorder pattern are genetics, occupation, nutrition, habits, etc. Geographical factors like season and climate also affect. In developing countries, overcrowding and poor hygiene are responsible for spreading of skin diseases. The pattern of skin diseases varies from country to country. Moreover, remote areas are severely affected.This paper proposes a skin disease detection method based on image processing techniques. This method is mobile based and hence very accessible even in remote areas and it is completely non-invasive to patient’s skin. The patient provides an image of the infected area of the skin as an input to the prototype. Image processing techniques are performed on this image and the detected disease is displayed at the output. The proposed system is highly beneficial in rural areas where access to dermatologists is limited.

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How to Cite
S.T.Sadishkumar, S.Paveen Kumar, P.Kaviarasan, M.Prawin, & M.Saradhambal. (2019). A stand alone device for skin disease analysis using image processing techniques . International Journal of Intellectual Advancements and Research in Engineering Computations, 7(1), 1476–1783. Retrieved from