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Users and providers have different requirements and objectives in an investment market. Users will pay the lowest price possible with certain guaranteed levels of service at a minimum and providers would follow the strategy of achieving the highest return on their investment. Designing an optimal market-based resource allocation that considers the benefits for both the users and providers is a fundamental criterion of resource management in distributed systems, especially in cloud computing services. Most of the current market-based resource allocation models are biased in favour of the provider over the buyer in an unregulated trading environment. In this study, the problem was addressed by proposing a new market model called the Combinatorial Double Auction Resource Allocation (CDARA), which is applicable in cloud computing environments. The CDARA was prototyped and simulated using CloudSim, a Java-based simulator for simulating cloud computing environments, to evaluate its efficiency from an economic perspective. The results proved that the combinatorial double auction-based resource allocation model is an appropriate market-based model for cloud computing because it allows double-sided competition and bidding on an unrestricted number of items.

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How to Cite
C.John Wesley, & P.Karthikeyan. (2015). PRICING ADJUSTMENT COMBINATORIAL DOUBLE AUCTION RESOURCE ALLOCATION MODEL IN CLOUD COMPUTING . International Journal of Intellectual Advancements and Research in Engineering Computations, 3(4), 414–418. Retrieved from