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In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), the discovery of neighboring nodes is a fundamental requirement for efficient communication and coordination. However, malicious nodes can forge their identities, leading to potential attacks on the network. This study proposes a novel approach for neighbor node verification in WSNs using a hashing table. The proposed method uses a hash function to assign a unique identifier to each node in the network. Nodes then broadcast their unique identifier, which is received by their neighboring nodes. Each node maintains a hash table of its neighboring nodes, and upon receiving a broadcast from a new node, the hash value is compared against the hash values in the table to verify the identity of the sender. Simulation results show that the proposed method is effective in detecting and rejecting malicious nodes and has low communication overhead compared to existing methods. The proposed approach is scalable and can be easily integrated into existing WSN protocols. The study demonstrates the potential of hashing table-based verification mechanisms for enhancing the security and reliability of WSNs.