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Theworldoverthedecadeshasmadeconsiderableadvancementi nautomation; automationis employedinevery sectorwhetheritishomeorindustry. Hereanewdesignisbeing presented.Thisdesignfindsatremendoususeatprimaryandsec ondaryschoollevelsaswellasincolleges ItusesReal TimeClock(DS1307)whichtrackstherealtime. The bellautomaticallyrings atpreprogrammedtime intervalsand also displaysthetime by using LCD display. The lowpoweraspectisbrought aboutbyusing‘SLEEP’modeinPIC microcontrollerwhichkeepsthesystem inidlestatewhenitisnot inuse. Themajor advantageofthisimplementationisthatitgives ustheexacttimeandnomanualoperation isneededwhileusing verylesspower.Thesystemismadebyestablishing aserial interfacebetweenPICmicrocontroller(PIC16F877A) .It avoid the human help with accuracy as it is automatic.GSM has included in our project to control the devices wirelessly. Both Renewable and EB source are used in this project to provide the supply to bell to supply the power to the bell when the time of power cut also.

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How to Cite
P.Arunthathi, R.Keerthana, R.Kiruthika, M.Vennkatesan, & Gobalakrishnan. (2017). Automatic solar powered college bell system using GSM . International Journal of Intellectual Advancements and Research in Engineering Computations, 5(2), 1238–1240. Retrieved from