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In the current world, I.C Engine has become the main prime mover, because of its availability and high power capability, but certain modification and innovation can save a lot of fuel and give high efficiency. Engine life and effectiveness can be improved with effective cooling. The heat transfer rate depends upon the fin geometry, fin thickness, air velocity. Insufficient removal of heat from the engine will lead to high thermal stresses and lower engine efficiency. The cooling fins allow the air to move the heat away from the engine. Low rate of heat transfer is the main problem of air cooling system. In this paper an attempt is made to simulate the heat transfer using CFD for different shape and geometry of Fins to analyze effects on rate of heat dissipation from fins surfaces. The geometry of engine fins are modeled in SOLIDWORKS and simulated in ANSYS CFD software.

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How to Cite
Velliyangiri.B, Shanmugasundram.M, Tharanitharan.S, Vadivelmurugan.R, & Vengadesh.P. (2017). Design modification & analysis of two wheeler engine cooling fins and fabrication by using 3d printing. International Journal of Intellectual Advancements and Research in Engineering Computations, 5(2), 1871–1876. Retrieved from