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An Embedded system is a controller programmed and controlled by a real time operating system (RTOS) with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical system, often with real time computing constraints. Embedded system controls many devices in common use today. The aim of the proposed method is to design an efficient smart automation system for industrial applications using Bluetooth technology. The project is carried out in Siby Solvent Extraction Pvt.Ltd. It is a small-scale industry where white petroleum transmission has been performed. Since white petroleum is very sensitive, it will burst, when high frequency is applied. In Siby Solvent, nearly 60 motors have been running for ON/OFF purpose. They have to travel nearly 500 meters for that we are using low frequency Bluetooth module to ON\OFF motor. In case emergency purpose we can shutdown entire motors. The main objective of the project is to control the 3- phase induction motor (ON/OFF function) in white petroleum transmission industry automatically using Bluetooth technology. Bluetooth HC-12 module covers up to 1 distance. It can be used in two methods. First method is giving input using switch in transmitter side and another method uses android applications to give input. This system is implemented by using Bluetooth terminal HC-12.