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The main objective of the system is to develop an Embedded system like a ATM Machine, which is used to pay our personal bills like Electricity Bill, Water Bill, Income Tax, Property Tax etc., The user can pay their bills in a centralized system whereas the individual need not go for the concerned office. Personal users can save a lot of time and effort on paying bills every month. Hence, people can avoid their late payment fines. Organizations like Electricity Board, Panchayat Board, and Revenue Department can benefit from the system as users pay their payment in time, which saves the planet resources. Hence our proposed system is called as “the heart of the payment system” as it is highly beneficiary.

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How to Cite
E.SAI PREETHA, R.SELVAKUMAR, P.PRAVEEN, T.RAM PRASATH, & Dr.P.SUGANYA P/EEE. (2018). Smart domestic payment system using biometric . International Journal of Intellectual Advancements and Research in Engineering Computations, 6(1), 47–48. Retrieved from