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To review the energy saving associated with the improved utilization of waste heat from domestic refrigerator. Domestic refrigerator may be an operating continuously to maintain the proper food storage condition. The continuous operation of the equipment account more in electrical energy consumption. So it is that a significant and concrete effort should be made for the conserving energy through waste heat recovery. A significant amount of the waste heat was rejected by the condensers of the refrigerator. So an attempt has been made to utilize the waste heat from an condenser of the refrigerator. Practical use of waste heat from the domestic refrigeratorsare the typically to space heating and water heating in the minimum constructional maintenance and running cost. A cabin was installed in a domestic refrigerator with the condenser coils of refrigerator serving as heating coils inside the cabin. Known quantity of the water was heated by the condenser in coils due to convection currents thereby increasing the overall Copof the refrigerator. Besides, the refrigerator may be used as a conventional refrigerator by keeping the cabin of the door open in case of the absence of heat sink.